You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.3. Paperless Picking > 7.3.2. Mobile Picking - PDA Procedures > Mobile Picking - Item Detail > Mobile Picking - Item Edit
Mobile Picking - Item Edit

The Edit option on the Item Inquiry menu allows you to change the quantity ordered or the quantity picked of an item on your picking slip.

  1. On the picking slip, select the item you want to inquire on.
  2. Press the Item Detail button.

Micronet displays the Item Inquiry menu.

  1. Select the Edit option.

Micronet displays a screen where you can change the QTY ORD and/or the QTY PICK.


  1. Enter valid values in the QTY ORD and/or the QTY PICK fields.
  2. Select the Ok button.

Micronet displays a message asking you to confirm your changes.

  1. Select Yes.

Micronet redisplays the picking slip detail screen with the new quantity ordered and/or quantity picked.



Technical Tip

If the Default supply chain allow Split Lines field on the debtor in Micronet is set to No (see "File - Debtor - Extra") and an item is underpicked, Micronet displays the following message and won't allow you to save the quantity. You must deliver the full quantity.